Are you interested in getting involved with SMTC through worship, scripture, prayer, fellowship, and/or service? Consider joining one of our many groups and organizations. Here you can find information on each of our groups and organizations and how you can get involved.
Our Parish Groups & Organizations
Facility Maintenance
We serve our brothers and sisters in Christ by our daily labor. The maintenance and cleanliness of the church, the community room facilities, classrooms and rectory offices are a labor of love, for our parish, our community and for God. Garden Club
God’s Love is in all living things! The Garden Club is pleased to share the gift of their green thumbs in the rectory gardens of both worship sites. Holy Name Society (Men's Club)
The St. Barbara Holy Name Society has been an active, non-profit group of male St. Barbara parishioners in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood for over 100 years. Through our shared Catholic faith and belief in the mission of our school and church, they strive to develop opportunities to aid and engage fellow community members, while also raising funds to provide St. Barbara some much needed financial assistance. Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. For their support for the Church and local communities, as well as for their philanthropic efforts, Pope John Paul II referred to the Order as a “strong right arm of the Church.” Mandarin Group
The Mandarin Group is designed to be a source of cultural solidarity for Chinese-speaking Catholics. This group implements the beautiful Catholic idea of enculturation – living and proclaiming the Gospel message while retaining, honoring, and including the beautiful elements of the culture. Outreach for this group includes hosting a Mandarin Mass twice a month, a Mandarin Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group, and a Mandarin Bible Study group. For additional information about this ministry, or if you or someone you know is interested in joining the Mandarin group, please contact the Parish Office at (312) 842-6777. PWKI
The Indonesian group (PWKI) is another vibrant and active part of our parish community. Fostering the Catholic idea of enculturation, the Indonesian group comes together once a month to celebrate an Indonesian Mass. Following the Mass, there is a community gathering which includes time for fraternity and sharing of a meal. On some occasions, additional group activities or a presentation may be given as part of the social. The Indonesian Mass is at 11:00 A.M. on the 2nd Sunday of every month. All are welcome! Soup & Scripture
Gather for scripture, sharing and a simple meal of soup and bread during Lent. St. Barbara Seniors
The senior’s club aims to build relationships among the parish’s senior generation through parish involvement and the pursuit of common interests and activities. St. Rocco Society
The Society of San Rocco Di Simbario (Italy) was officially founded in April of the year 1920 by Bruno Bertucci. He owned and operated a small grocery store at the corner of 24th Street and Princeton Avenue. It was a time when the Italian people were looked down upon and they had no one to turn to except their own. At the age of 38, Bruno suffered from a severely-infected ulcerated leg. This infection resulted from his occupation; at the time, in order to refrigerate produce, men would have to break ice off of huge blocks using ice pics. Often, they would accidentally cut themselves with the picks, and ammonia in the ice would enter the wound. After quite a few examinations, the doctors told Bruno that his leg would have to be amputated. Despite the terrible news, Bruno’s faith was never shaken. He fervently believed that God — through the intercession of St. Rocco, a saint known to cure the gravely ill and hopeless — would not let this happen to him. Facing amputation, Bruno made a solemn promise to St. Rocco via a seven day novena while in the hospital. He pleaded that if St. Rocco would intercede and ask our Lord to cure him and spare his leg, he would start a society in his honor. The Lord answered his prayers. The doctors informed Bruno that the infection was clearing up and that his condition was improving. His leg would not have to be amputated and he was in fact able to walk out of the hospital on his own. Bruno Bertucci, being a man of his word, kept his promise. He started laying the groundwork to form a society in honor of St. Rocco. He, along with his father-in-law, John Colangelo, went from house to house in the neighborhood and into other surrounding Italian communities to form this society in honor of St. Rocco. Bruno Bertucci insisted on walking himself to talk to his “paisani.” He felt that he had to walk in order to show his thanks to God and St. Rocco for having his leg and his life spared. In all, 117 men joined them in devotion to St. Rocco in forming this society. The Rev. John Peona, pastor of Santa Maria Incoronata Church, also was instrumental in forming the society. In September of 1920, the Society held their first procession in honor of St. Rocco. After the procession, the Society hosted a great feast on Alexander Street. Before his 40th birthday, Bruno Bertucci fulfilled his promise to God and St. Rocco. The society grew and the feast and procession has continued every year. Click here to learn more about SMTC’s Feast of St. Rocco Celebration. St. Vincent DePaul Society
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides services to needy families and individuals within our community, quietly helping cover the very basics for human dignity such as food, shelter, and clothing. If you find your family needing food assistance, please complete the registration form found in the bulletin. |