Jesus’ intent in the sacrament of confirmation is to send his disciples out to bear witness. When others are inspired through witness, they often join a faith community and get active. It's that simple. Following Pentecost, thanks to the simple faith witness of a fisherman named Peter, over 3,000 people were baptized on a single day (Acts 2: 41).
The Holy Spirit pours love into our hearts so that we can become “instruments of grace” in order to “pour forth God’s charity and to weave networks of charity” in the world CHILDREN
Children usually begin preparation for confirmation in the 6th grade. This includes class time instruction, retreats, HOLY FIRE, pilgrimages, parish feasts, and RE led masses. Each confirmandi chooses a sponsor and that sponsor presents the child to the bishop on the day of confirmation. Our confirmation program lasts for two years. Our parish has a mission-driven team of certified catechists ready to prepare you and your family for confirmation. To enroll your child in our two-year confirmation program, contact the Parish Office either by email or by calling 312-842-6777 (STWS) or 312-842-7979 (SBWS). ADULTS
Adults begin their preparation for confirmation in late Sept. or early Oct. in our RCIA program. They too choose a sponsor. The Easter Vigil serves as the day to celebrate adult confirmation. To inquire about our RCIA program, contact Chris Delfin at the Parish Office either by email or by calling 312-842-6777 (STWS) or 312-842-7979 (SBWS). |